Dept. of Economics
National University of Singapore
1 Arts Link, AS2, 06-09
Singapore, 117568
I am an Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Economics, National University of Singapore (joint appointment with Yale-NUS College - Division of Social Sciences). I received my PhD from Bocconi University in Milan. I hold a bachelor's degree from University of Indonesia, and masters' degrees from The National University of Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and The London School of Economics and Political Science.
My research fields are development, labor, and political economy.
My current research look at labor market matching in developing countries using lab-in-the-field experiment. In my dissertation, I study the impact of social norms on female labor force participation and democratization in Indonesia using a principled approach to causal identification and novel, innovative ways to turn difficult-to-measure cultural phenomena into hard data. My previous research has received generous funding from the Roberto Franceschi Foundation, the LEAP-Bocconi, J-PAL Southeast Asia, and Singapore Ministry of Education. I received the UniCredit Econ Best Job Market Paper Award during my attendance at the European Job Market for Economist in December 2020.
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